Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Truth Shall Set you Free

In my opinion the hardest job while living is being a liar. One lie, turns to another falsehood because it needs support. This lie needs another lie to support it. It's an endless cycle until everything you say is untrue. Hell, all this stories you tell you could have written a book or a good screen play to a movie. But instead you decided to take the hardest job on the planet...Lying

Really! Lying has to be the hardest job. This job is dangerous (someone is liable to beat dat a$$ when they find out nothing you say is the truth), stressful (worried about who will find out about the lies you've told), time consuming (lying is 24/7, no vacation and no paid leave) and it could breaks great relationships. Let's be honest; Who wants to be with a liar? Better yet who wants to be friends with someone who lies?

What is a friend? A friend is someone who shares the same interest as you, someone you can have a good time with, and someone who you can be totally honest with, without fear that they will judge you or talk badly about you. To simplify things a friend is someone you trust.

I value friendship. If you feel you have to lie to me then just don't say anything to me at all. I don't like liars because I can't trust them. If I can't trust you I cannot consider you my friend.

The truth will really set you free. The truth cures the sleepless nights and added pressures of the world. It really does.

But as the saying goes," If you lie, you'll steal, if you'll steal, you'll kill", and I can't stick around for that.


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